
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Identity Politics: " will abandon Clinton every day from now until November unless Trump murders a baby on live television."

Clinton Versus Trump | Scott Adams Blog: "My gut feeling is that men will abandon Clinton every day from now until November unless Trump murders a baby on live television. Otherwise, I think Trump wins easily with men...

...identity is always the strongest level of persuasion. The only way to beat it is with dirty tricks or a stronger identity play. Trump is well on his way to owning the identities of American, Alpha Males, and Women Who Like Alpha Males. Clinton is well on her way to owning the identities of angry women, beta males, immigrants, and disenfranchised minorities. If this were poker, which hand looks stronger to you for a national election?"

Real Donald Trump Quotes about Women | Scott Adams Blog: "Have you seen the anti-Trump video that features women quoting Donald Trump’s most offensive statements about women?  I just showed it to a woman. She thought it was funny. Apparently nothing that Trump says comes off as offensive to her.  The reason I checked with a woman is because I didn’t trust my own reaction. To me, the video looked like the most tone-deaf ad of all time. I would rank it as among the worst I have ever seen in terms of persuasion. I’m guessing it worked in Trump’s favor. 

On the 2D level of reality – where we pretend people are rational – the video makes perfect sense. The makers of the video figured women voters would not like a candidate that says bad things about women. That seems totally logical. I can see why they made the video. But on the 3D level of persuasion, what the viewer sees is several average-looking women in bad moods complaining about a guy being, well…  a guy. I assume men won’t be offended by the video because Trump is no more of a jerk than most men. And men probably don’t get a warm feeling from the judgmental, angry messengers in the video. That video looks like a huge fail to me. "

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