
Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Training "Stop being a child, take some accountability and have some follow through."

2/3 - press, chins, dips, bench, inv row, pushups, speed bag, stretch
2/2 - shadowbox, stretch

Always Hungery - John Welbourn: "What do I recommend? How about growing up. Stop being a child, take some accountability and have some follow through. If you want to get your weight down...  then don't crash and emotionally stuff your face with donuts. You are not an 18-year-old girl who just moved away from home and is enjoying unlimited soft serve in the college dining common...  Finally, years ago my dad gave me the secret to success in life: Consistency. He told me to get up early each day and work. And to take everything I did with great pride; success breeds success."

Actor Scott Glenn, 75, Takes You Through His Knife-Fighting Workout | GQ: "Quick, imagine a 75-year-old man. What do you imagine him doing? Do you imagine him doing pull-ups or straight leg raises? Deep sea spear-fishing, fending off sharks in the process? Did you envision him fighting with knives, racing motorcycles, or ice climbing? No? Then you must not have pictured Scott Glenn. Because he still does all of those things. (Well, fine, not the ice climbing, but only because his doctor told him he couldn’t.) His relentless adventuring helps explain why he still looks like he does at his advanced age. So consider this a helpful bit of motivation for anyone who’s already 75—or, you know, plans on getting there one day. Glenn, for his part, is still hoping to do more. “If I’m still a beginning student by the time they throw dirt in my face, so what?” he says. “At least I’ve had the fun doing it.” In this video, he tells us about his workout routine and takes us through some of the martial arts he does with a very large, very sharp knife. “You don’t want to do it too fast,” he says, “because what I’m holding is potentially lethal.”"

vsflex's Progress Pictures - BodySpace by "TRANSFORMATION! Curious to see where I started? Back then I was active and still strong from gymnastics days, but had no clue what I was doing in the weight room and ate anything and everything I wanted. I've learned a lot in the last few years and worked hard every day. Soft 90-95lbs to a current lean 107 :)"

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