
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Training - "It’s not always fun, but if you want to be good at something, you have to do it when it’s not fun."

2/25 - power clean, deadlift, squats, situps, speedbag, stretch
2/24 - stretch
2/23 - shadowbox, stretch

Obsession, Dedication, and Sacrifice (Flea and Steve Nash): "“It’s not always fun, but if you want to be good at something, you have to do it when it’s not fun.”  The significance of this line cannot be overstated. As I mentioned recently, getting ahead in any pursuit involves more than simply working hard when you are in the mood. Those who have truly excelled are often the rare individuals who continue to grind at those times when it isn’t fun...

Some might suggest that pushing through exhaustion and injury is unhealthy and excessive. I actually agree. I am not suggesting otherwise. I’m also not suggesting that there’s any guarantees of anything. That’s not the purpose of this entry...

As much as I believe in hard work and dedication, I’m also a firm believer in learning from others. Almost anyone who has ever accomplished anything significant has an experience to share that is worth learning from. As I tell my athletes, try to learn something from everyone you can. And that often means studying individuals who have pursued entirely different goals. For example, you might be an athlete, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from Flea’s wisdom as a musician. Those who succeed often rely on similar attributes. The relentless work ethic and obsession for greatness is easily recognized. In summary, even if you aren’t willing to make the same sacrifices as Flea or Steve Nash, at least recognize what was necessary for them to succeed. You don’t need to follow the same path, but you can understand and appreciate it. Not everyone is willing to give up so much to chase a dream. I’m not suggesting that you should or you shouldn’t. That’s a choice that we all must make on our own. "

How Tiny Changes Transformed Me from Steve Rogers to Captain America | Nerd Fitness: "Two years ago, my mentality changed. I stopped asking “when will I arrive?” and instead realized that I will never actually get there. With this mindset I created a new strategy, and today I stand (well, sit) before you a changed person – physically and mentally. I’m 20+ pounds (of muscle) heavier, stronger and more resilient than ever, and believe that every day is an opportunity to set a new personal best. I did it by refusing to focus on the “end.” In other words, I stopped worrying about “before and after.” Instead I just focused finding goals and quests that excited me each day...

There’s No “After.”

It was only until I started of thinking of progress in “years and years” instead of “weeks and months” that my mentality finally shifted. This was a tough pill to swallow. I had to put my “after” goals on hold, and instead just did what needed to get done every day. I had to change my mentality: there is no after, only “during.”

I initially thought “Ugh, Years!?! That’s gonna take too long.” And then I thought back to how little sustainable progress I had made in the previous 10 years and knew things needed to change. Today I look back and can’t be more relieved that I made this choice. In two, five, or ten years, what choice do you wish you’d have made now? The one that puts you on a “30 day diet” or workout plan? Or one that instills changes for the long term?

If you want to change your appearance in the long term, your normal life (how you live every day) has to change. Every day you are building a new normal: a sustainable way of eating, sleeping, and exercising that gets you a tiny bit closer to where you want to be...

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention another crucial reason why I was able to make sustained progress over the past two years: I made my health a priority. I wrote about “why you need to be selfish sometimes” on Nerd Fitness before...

I finally put my foot down...  Mostly, I stopped accepting excuses from myself, and stopped relying on motivation. Instead, I manufactured discipline in my life. I ruthlessly removed unnecessary time-wasting activities from my life and got better at managing my time...  I just do this stuff strategically. Sleep has been prioritized. When I relocated to New York City, I made sure to spend money on a quality mattress and blackout curtains. As a cheapskate, this was a huge challenge for me. However, sleep is one of the most important elements of a healthy life. I don’t play games late at night, I don’t have a TV in my bedroom, and I make sure I’m sleeping as much as possible."

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