
Friday, February 19, 2016

Religion, making everything worse since always.

Well, that's fucking terrifying.  

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center: "Among those who want sharia to be the law of the land, in 10 of 20 countries where there are adequate samples for analysis at least half say they support penalties such as whippings or cutting off the hands of thieves and robbers...

"In 10 of 20 countries where there are adequate samples for analysis, at least half of Muslims who favor making sharia the law of the land also favor stoning unfaithful spouses. six of the 20 countries where there are adequate samples for analysis, at least half of those who favor making Islamic law the official law also support executing apostates."

I continue to stand by my idea that people are good to the extent they ignore the doctrines of their "infallible" magic books and their gods self-appointed representatives on Earth.

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