
Friday, February 19, 2016

"It will take years of deprogramming yourself of cultural conditioning to live life on your terms."

The Look: "I learned how to tell if a man was dead by looking in his eyes. When living in Thailand and Vietnam, you learn how to spot the look. The look is what an old man gives when a short-haired harpy leads him down the streets of Vietnam. The man glances around to see smiling, feminine women everywhere. He may even see an older man with one of those smiling women. “What’s taking you so long,” he hears from her shrill voice. Slowly a realization hits. A man has wasted his life serving an ungrateful nag. He could have had so much more. His soul leaves him. 

 Men over 40 were lied to. The rest of us have no excuse. Before the Internet, men didn’t know any better. They did what worked for their parents generation – meet a nice girl who will become a great wife and mom, get a job, work hard. Men borrowed money for college, married well before they hit their prime, went deep into debt to buy a home to please the Mrs., and allowed an entitled woman to dominate his life. If he was lucky, she wouldn’t divorce him and kidnap his children. What he did was never good enough...

What is essential “man knowledge”? The odds are against you. The system wants you to live an unhappy life. It will take years of deprogramming yourself of cultural conditioning to live life on your terms. It will then take daily effort to remain grounded. No one will ever appreciate you. Deal with it. Men are viewed as pack mules. Working your ass off to support your family is simply what you are supposed to do...

People do not want to be happy, as becoming happy requires you to take action. Miserable people won’t watch a sunset or volunteer at a soup kitchen, even though those activities are proven to increase happiness. Stressed out people aren’t going to meditate. People love being “who they are,” as that requires them to take no effort to change. Avoid those people like the plague, as they are diseased of the mind. 

 90% of men are miserable. 99% of women are miserable. Finding happy friends as a man will be a constant challenge...

The best strategy to find quality people is to become one yourself while ruthlessly cutting out toxic people, users, and manipulators. Ever hour you spend with a moron, unhappy man, or gossip-mongering woman is an hour you’re not spending living your life vision. Women don’t complain because they want change. They complain because that’s what they like to do. Relationship books tell you to listen to your woman’s complaints without doing any mansplaining (that is, helping her solve problems). That’s bullshit...  Gossip and drama are black holes you will not escape from...

Fear is what’s stopping you from living the life you’ve always desired. Know your worth, increase your standards. I’m not anti-marriage, anti-kids, or anti-God. If your life vision is to be a Mormon with 14 kids, who am I to say otherwise? Life is full of magnificent possibilities. I’ve met happily married Muslims, old men who couldn’t imagine ever marrying again and instead choose an expat life, and everyone in between. I’ve met billionaires who are hen-pecked by unattractive women. Though feared in business, they sheepishly will tell you, “Hold on a second, I have to check in with the boss.” 

The more self-respect a man has, the higher standards he demands from women. Men in the West are brain washed to serve women. The real question you should be asking is, “Does she deserve me?” If you settle, you’re dead. That’s not a theory of mine that I came up with after reading a book. I’ve seen the look in the eyes of thousands of men. They are alive…and yet they aren’t."


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  2. Great article. Keep up the good work.
