
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Your life will be fundamentally better when you stop turning everything into a morality play."

No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama.  People can change, but that's not how the smart money bets.

Two Rules of Human Nature (Why You Must Move On): "Rule 1. People are who they are. Rule 2. People will do what they do. Add in for the rest of their lives. Your family won’t change. If your parents are negative and toxic, they will always be negative and toxic...

 The rules of being human are not a moral judgment. Often we let people stick around in our lives longer than they should because “they aren’t bad people,” or they “mean well.” Your life will be fundamentally better when you stop turning everything into a morality play. I stopped questioning whether some behavior came from a “bad place” or a “good place.” I look only at outcomes. My life satisfaction improved by at least 25% when motives became irrelevant. 

These rules are important to remember because we are constantly changing and growing. If you’re committed to excellence, you’re going to move on from a lot of people in your life. They’ll fight hard to keep you in their lives. They’ll beg, plead, and even create drama. They’ll email asking for advice. But they won’t change, and you’re wasting your time expecting them to."

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