
Thursday, January 21, 2016


1/21 - press, chins, dips, stretch
1/20 - shadowbox, stretch
1/19 - treadmill, stretch

Cruz's movement is just ridiculous.

Amber Callahan photos and videos: "THEN & NOW You see that girl on the left? Yea that use to be me. A girl that struggled a mental battle of body dysmorphia that eventually turned into anorexia. I only ate maybe twice a day back then. I did cardio for hours and hours on end. Eventually I ended up weighing 80 lbs. and was battling a bunch of health issues that came with it. I guess in my mind that being skinny was the epitome of perfection. Over those years, I gained control over my thoughts. Your mind can be own worst enemy.  I knew that if I was going to change, I had to change the way I thought about myself. I asked myself “What is even considered perfection?" Eventually to discover there's no such thing. Right now, I am my biggest accomplishment in life. I don't know who or where I would be right now if I didn't make that change. Back then I told myself “I'm going to look like one of those fitness girls someday." It wasn't an easy road getting to this point. It surely doesn't happen over night neither. I don't regret ever battling with what I did. It has really shaped me into who I am today and what I'm all about."


  1. Great fight and glad to see Cruz win. Hard to believe he had a foot injury given his relentless movement; the guy has overcome so much adversity. Go Stipe!

    1. It was a great fight. I actually thought Dillashaw edged Cruz, but it was super-close. Stipe v Werdum should be good.
