
Friday, October 02, 2015

Training - “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” – Plato

10/2 - stretch, deadlifts [PR 455 w/belt, chalk, mixed grip], situps, backxt, pulldowns, seated rows, pushdowns, sauna, bridges

Beyond The Physical Benefits of Health and Fitness Programs: " is important to understand that everything we do in life is temporary. Yet, the fact that life will someday end isn’t a reason to be miserable each day. I’d rather enjoy the moment instead of worrying about what the future will bring. Whether I’m strong tomorrow, next year, or in fifty years is irrelevant when choosing to be strong today...

I. Vitality 
In a world filled with fitness celebrities who snap selfies wearing next to nothing, some might be surprised that I list vitality as my primary reason to exercise. Merriam-Webster defines vitality as a lively or energetic quality. Exercise is what gives me that feeling. Who wouldn’t want to attain more vitality in their life? I couldn’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t want to feel more vibrant and energized throughout the day. The vitality that I have allows me to get so much more out of life. How can you live life to the fullest if you plod through each day feeling tired and unmotivated? That’s no way to live...

I’d rather feel and act younger than my age. I’m still a big kid at heart...

II. Mental Clarity 
Another benefit of exercise that doesn’t receive adequate attention is what I call mental clarity. In short, my mind operates at a much higher level as a direct result of exercise. Not only is my mind sharper throughout the day, but many of my best thoughts come in between sets of heavy lifting. The mind-body connection is undeniable...

III. Challenge 
There’s a difference between living and existing. I view life as something that is precious and temporary, thus should be cherished. I’m not interested in only existing. In my eyes, an important part of life involves challenging myself to see what I’m made of. I decided a long time ago that I’ll never be the person who sits on his death bed wishing he had done more...

I believe we should all be physically and intellectually challenged on a daily basis. There is no reason why we can’t make time to regularly enhance the body and mind. Forget about sitting back and existing within a self-defined comfort zone. The real treasures of life are found outside of it. Furthermore, regularly challenging the body and mind will make the rest of life’s obstacles much easier to handle. When you become accustomed to regularly testing your physical and mental limits, life doesn’t seem so daunting. No matter how rough it gets, you can at least take comfort in knowing that you’ve become experienced at facing challenges head on. 

IV. Useful 
Functional is an overused word, so I’ll stay away from it. It sure as hell is useful to be strong however. It’s nice to be able to pick something up without breaking your back. I often wonder how anyone who has a choice would opt to be frail and weak...

Strength is a choice that I’m glad I’ve made. If you aren’t strong, you are weak. Simple tasks become physical barriers. There is no logical explanation for choosing weakness over strength. Don’t waste your time trying to drum up an argument. Instead, wrap your hands around a bar and start tapping into the potential of the gift you’ve been given that you call your body. 

V. Feel Good, Look Good 
Last but not least, we can all stop pretending that exercise doesn’t make us feel better about ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with exercising to look and feel good. As useful as it is to carry all of your groceries in one trip, it’s also nice to build a body that you are proud of. You don’t need to exercise just for function. You can also exercise to look and feel better about yourself. Confidence and self-esteem are both incredibly important. Don’t let anyone fool you to believe otherwise. If getting jacked makes you feel better about yourself, go get swole and proudly show off your guns. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of the work you’ve performed, as well as the results. The haters of the world who call you vain are usually just those who are jealous. They aren’t worth your time and certainly shouldn’t be considered when making future decisions. Build the body that you want to develop and be proud of yourself for your efforts."

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