
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Training - "If you think lifting weights is dangerous..."

10/13 - stretch, deadlifts [PR 465 - mixed grip, chalk, belt], situps, back xt
10/9 thru 12 - light daily stretching

Katie Anne - Katie Anne's Photos: "January 7th, 2011. One of the lowest points in my fitness journey. I have been there - struggling with binges, feeing horrible in my own skin, and always comparing myself to the fitness models in the magazines, thinking I would never be good enough. I have been underweight and I have been overweight. Once I stopped focusing on others and where they were - and started focusing on taking my journey ONE day at a time, I started to see results. Time will pass whether you decide to move forward or not. Have I had slip ups and set backs in the four and a half years since that photo? Oh you bet I have. But I see far too many people focusing on the end result when there really is no destination. I may have transformed externally but I am just as much of a work in progress as anyone else. A physique won't make you happy. A body weight will not make you happy. Focusing on the process is easier said than done but is VITAL for success in anything. I let go of my obsession with the stage and finally was working out because I loved it - not because of a date on the calendar. I stopped looking at photoshopped fitness girls, unfollowed a ton of people who posted daily naked "progress" photos (that actually left me feeling down - cut that shit out if it does for you too!). Instagram and social media are like a highlight reel of mostly good stuff going on in people's lives. If you are struggling, it does not make you weak, it makes you HUMAN. One damn day at a time. What we leave this earth with is not our physical - so focus on improving yourself from the inside out - the external will be a reflection of that. Too many words to tell y'all not to give up on your dreams. Don't be so hard on yourself. Would you talk to your best friend the way you talk down to yourself some days? Bless you if you read this I owe you a hug #neverquit #morethananumber"

Katie Anne - Katie Anne's Photos: ""I do not believe that any of us have dreams that were not given to us without the purpose of accomplishing those particular dreams. I do not care how far fetched it might appear to be... Here is what I know: that dream you are holding in your mind: it is POSSIBLE. Sometimes you cannot say you can do something - but you CAN say it is possible... In the process of working on your dreams, you will encur a lot of pain, defeat setbacks, defeat, etc. But in that process, you will discover some things about yourself that you never knew before. That you are more powerful than you ever thought possible. That you do not have to be a victim of your circumstances..." I have never shared this photo on the left. In fact, I remember taking it and thought I deleted it. Found it on my computer today. It was post #binge/rebound period where I put on 30lbs - weighing 170lbs - in only a couple months. BUT, I still had dreams of one day competing. I was told I would always be "too thick", my hamstrings were as flat as a pancake, I would ALWAYS binge/restrict. Do not let others determine your destiny. Each of us have dreams for a REASON. The dream of competing one day and being in the fitness realm was far fetched back then. Some of my dreams seem out of reach now. But they are POSSIBLE. #LESBROWNYALL #NeverQuit #YouCANOvercome #TeamNorton #TeamScience"

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