
Monday, September 14, 2015


9/14 - deadlifts, situps, back xt

Habits of Strong Lifters (and People) - "Consistency - Without a doubt, the strongest and best lifters in the  world have consistently busted their ass in the weight room. For decades. Not weeks,  not a year, but decades.

...consistency doesn’t  always mean they’re going balls out, every day. It means they chip away slowly,  but surely. 

Drive/Perseverance - Even with injuries, plateaus, loss of training partners, gyms, etc., the great lifters will find a way to adapt and overcome. If that means training alone in a barbaric gym in their garage, they do it. If that means having to train in a commercial gym by themselves, they get it done. If that  means they have to train around an injury, they research and find a way.  

Nothing will stand in their way and when an obstacle appears, they don’t get  frustrated; they simply find a different route around it. It’s easy to be motivated and excited to train when everything is going your  way. It’s another thing to hit a wall, scramble, kick, and scratch until you  look back and see the marks of blood and sweat you leave behind. 

A lifter MUST have a core, a philosophy that he adheres to. He has to STAND for something. Yet he also has to learn to open himself up to new ideas and be smart enough to place them into his training without upsetting his core beliefs. 

Now those are the “mind musts” of being involved with lifting for a long  time. 

Here are the “body musts.” Stretching and mobility should be a priority. Maintain decent conditioning levels...  Use a full range of motion. Understand the difference between muscles and movements. You didn’t start lifting weights to become smaller. (Some of you  really need to let that one sink in.) 

...Don’t be afraid to do what you want, not what others want you to do.    Don’t hold yourself to others’ standards – especially when your standards should be higher. Training should be fun; there’s joy in the pain of the process. When it becomes tiresome or becomes a “job” remember why you began training in  the first place. It’s not supposed to appease anyone but you. Fads come and go, but the barbell remains the same. Respect it accordingly."

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