
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Training - "...if you can deal with it, you can do it."

9/8 - squats, knee/leg raise

What It's Like to Be The World's Strongest Man - Brian Shaw Interview: "In 2012, I detached my bicep. That was on the first event of the contest. There were four more events we had to do after that, and I did the rest of the contest with my bicep torn off. There have been other guys that have torn biceps, and they normally just stop immediately. But I went and got it checked out, and I asked the doctor, "Can I still compete?" And he looked at me like I was a little bit crazy, but he said, "Well, it's already torn off. You're probably not going to do much more damage. So if you can deal with it, you can do it."
"It was one of those things where it was almost more mental to overcome that and push through. But you train so hard to win that contest, and I wanted to win. You just do everything you can to go for it. And that's what I did."

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