
Monday, September 21, 2015

Training - "Be like Groot."

9/21 - stretch, press, chins, dips, db side swings, pike pushup/press  
9/19 - planks/sprints, v hold, chins

The Walk On | T Nation: "The idea of fairness is a ridiculous notion – if you have something to offer then you should be treated as such. If you're a scrub in life, don't expect to be treated like someone that has value... There are two kinds of people in the world: the ones that protest and complain and want fairness despite never having earned it, and the ones that fight their asses off to be important and make a contribution. You have to earn the right to be treated fair. The people that have a problem with that are the scrubs. If you take one thing from this article, let that be it."

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