
Thursday, August 06, 2015


8/6 - squats, bench, db row  8/5 - treadmill, chins, shadowbox

From the Low Hang: "You're not tight, you're just weak": "I hear it all the time, a lifter will say they cant perform a movement or get in a position because... “I’m not flexible enough.” “My mobility sucks.” “I’m too tight.” But what if the issue wasn’t mobility at all? What if the problem was that you’re just weak? Let me rephrase that. What if the problem was the muscles you need to hold you in those positions or complete those movements were weak? I attended a seminar this weekend hosted by Max Aita in which he helped my setup by letting me know that it wasn't my ankles that were immobile, it was my quads being to weak to support the position I was trying to get into, which reminded me of a realization I came to last year. Nothing has helped my mobility more than getting stronger. I used to have a laundry list of what I thought were mobility problems, my knees would buckle on heavy squats/cleans, my lumbar would round at the bottom of a squat, my back would cave on the way up from those same movements...  I wasn't immobile at all, I was just really fucking weak. Since then I have cut my stretching and mobility work by at least 80%, and increased my accessory work about the same. I've never been healthier as a lifter, and I've never been more confident in my positions."

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