
Friday, August 14, 2015


8/14 - mobility, treadmill, chins, pushups, bw squats  8/13 - mobility, squats, bench, leg press, incline bench, situps, curls, pushups, bw squats

Bill Phillips Transformation: "I don’t know anyone who can honestly tell me they ended up in poor physical condition, overweight, or weak on purpose. It’s something that happens unintentionally. Oftentimes, when people focus their attention on their careers, their education, or dealing with a life crisis, they put their health and fitness on “cruise control.” They let go of the steering wheel and take their eyes off the road. Before long, their physical condition and health are completely off track. The style of living that causes poor health is not that complicated to understand. And, fortunately, neither is the process of getting back on track. But you have to disconnect the cruise control, put both hands on the wheel, and focus your vision on where you want to go. You have to start driving, and stop just going along for the ride. You have to intentionally undo the things that happened accidentally." ~Bill Phillips

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