
Tuesday, August 04, 2015

"The Berenst#in Bears Problem" & the Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

I distinctly remember "Berenstein" as well.  How very odd.  The Berenst#in Bears Problem: Are We Living In An Alternate Worldline?: "A couple months ago, someone left an innocuous comment on my post 4 Weird “Clues” that Parallel Universes Exist. The comment was this: “You need to look up the Berenst#in Bears problem.” My response at first was probably what yours is now: The what? But after a quick Google search, I realized what this person was talking about. The Berenstein Bears. Now, if you don’t know about The Berenstein Bears, they were a series of children’s books, and eventually a cartoon, created by Stan and Jan Berenstein. They focused on a family of bears, and did the usual educational children’s book/tv series thing. Simple enough. I remember them, vaguely, and I believe I owned a book or two when I was a kid. It’s been a while. So what’s the problem? They’re not The Berenstein Bears. They’ve never been The Berenstein Bears. Despite the fact that many others remember them as The Berenstein Bears, and I myself still pronounce their name as The Berenstein Bears, this is false. This is wrong. They are The Berenstain Bears."

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