
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Department of Homeland Security raids offices of male escort website. Homeland secured!

Mission creep, bureaucratic nonsense, puritanical holdover 'morality', bad incentives, etc, etc.  The usual.  Via The Washington Post and 6 Thoughts on the Bust from 1 Angry, Gay Libertarian - Hit & Run : "As usual, follow the money. Want to know the real reason why DHS is involved? Want to know why it took the government decades to go after a site titled ""? It's on page three of the complaint against Rentboy. Between 2010 and 2015 the site had more than $10 million in gross proceeds. The feds are looking to seize $1.4 million from six bank accounts related to the raid. This money, thanks to federal asset forfeiture rules, would likely be split among the agencies involved, including the New York Police Department, who offered up their assistance in the raid even though there was probably no need for both agencies."

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