
Sunday, July 05, 2015


7/5 - press/push press, chins, pike pushup/press, curls
7/3 - skip rope, shadowbox, ab work

Gina Hunt on Instagram:: "...if you scroll down my feed, you'll see that I always "kinda" trained and always "kinda" got results -> rewind to just over a year ago. Pretty sure I was close to rock bottom in this one, I had just lost someone I couldn't have anticipated losing. And honestly, I think of myself as a pretty hard person so it came as a shock when it hit me as bad as it did. For some time I managed to convince myself that I didn't belong in this world any more. Everyone has a different coping mechanism and mine is isolation, I just don't see the point in public self pitying because in the end nobody was able to help me if I wasn't willing to help myself first. I knew I needed to fall in love to overcome this loss, so I decided to give myself a temporary aim in life, a new direction; distraction from the numbing emptiness inside my chest. So I decided to compete - prep forced me to focus on each day as it come, exhausted me physically so that all I was able to focus on was the present moment..  I was never in this for the fit body but for the mental strength you gain from living the iron life. The hardbody merely reflects the discipline and dedication. And although I'm proud of all the things accomplished in the process, judgment will find you regardless of your appearance; you will be branded selfish/shallow if you have a six pack and lazy if you don't. So relax, take a breath and just keep doing what you're doing, because in the end, all what really matters is invisible to the eye"

Freedom Brothers - Outwork Workout Motivation: "Successful individuals make the most of their surroundings. They do whatever is necessary to fuel their passion. Rather than making excuses for what they lack, they make the most of what they have. A perfect example of this concept can be seen in the video that follows. Freedom Brothers – Dream Watch how this man (Erik) has turned a wooded area in Slovakia into his own highly effective training grounds. He truly epitomizes the idea that the world is our gym. The physical displays highlighted throughout the video are beyond impressive. There are no secrets to this man’s success however. When the Freedom Brothers contacted me through Facebook, they were quick to point out that Erik has been training consistently for over 7 years. He does not have any overnight miracles to share. He also doesn’t take any supplements or drugs. Instead, he is simply the product of hard and consistent work...
Erik has also worked extremely hard over a long period of time. His passion, diligence, and consistency are responsible for what he has become today. All Erik needs is an open strip of land and he can challenge his body in countless ways. The creativity that he displays is almost as impressive as his physical strength. Erik clearly makes the most of whatever is around him as he sees ordinary objects differently from most. In his eyes, a tree isn’t just a tree and a rock isn’t just a rock. Instead, these are freely accessible tools that can challenge and strengthen the body in ways that most could never imagine. If more people saw the world through Erik’s eyes, physical fitness would be much more common and fun. While he certainly trains hard, I can guarantee that he also enjoys the work. People who see the world as a gym tend to share at least one thing in common. They enjoy the outdoors and the opportunities that it provides the body and mind. Erik didn’t just find himself training outside by accident. There was a concerted effort to venture outside to fuel his passion."

Batman, FTW.

Get It In Anywhere - Anthony "iNatural" Alderman: "At age 53, Anthony Alderman is physically more capable than the vast majority of adults half his age. He performs exercises such as muscle-ups with ease. His physique is also a testament to his hard work and consistency. All of those years of training have created a body that is strong, lean, and capable."
"No Secrets 
It’s obviously great to see a 53 year old man perform at such a high level. What I like most about the story isn’t Anthony’s ability however, but rather the simple approach that he subscribes to with training. There is no secret to his success. Anthony Alderman has trained for longer than many reading this entry have been alive. He is yet another product of hard work and consistency. As far as the exercises he performs, there are some neat variations, but everything is relatively straightforward. There’s nothing overly complicated or flashy. He’s clearly rooted in the fundamentals. The bodyweight squats, pushups, and pull-ups that he performs are available to anyone. The difference therefore between Anthony and others isn’t the exercises that he performs, but rather his willingness to continually perform those exercises on a regular basis. He doesn’t jump from program to program. He’s figured out what he enjoys and what works for him and never strays far from the basics. I’ve often said that the average person does not need anything but a regular dose of a few basic exercises. For example, imagine if it was common for every adult to regularly perform a few sets of pushups, pull-ups, dips, squats, and lunges. That alone would lead to huge improvements in quality of life for many adults. Anyone who suggests otherwise is either ignorant or likely sells gym memberships for a living."



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