
Saturday, June 13, 2015

"It was about knowing what your country could be, what it should be..."


  1. Finally finished Marvel's Civil War series. Have you read it? Good story, if a bit choppy. Some retconning of characters and iffy characterizations (would Iron Man et all really hunt down their friends?), but that sometimes has to be endured to keep the stories fresh and it was a decent story. I enjoyed House of M more, maybe because most of the tale was in the limited series, rather than spread through all of Marvel's titles like Civil War. Anyway, my less than worthwhile two cents. Have a great weekend!

    1. I haven't. I don't tend to read the big crossover series. They rarely work for me. I've read bits & pieces and some of the broad strokes of Civil War, and it was okay. HIt & miss. Hope you had a great weekend too!
