
Thursday, April 30, 2015


5/1 - squats, knee raise, walk

Maria Loses 70 Pounds - "I want to share my journey as I’m now at my goal weight, but moving forward towards other goals. My husband and I had our two boys fairly close together; when our first baby was 10 months old I got pregnant again. I’ve always been overweight and had “big bones”as it used to be called. With each pregnancy my weight increased more than 66 lbs (30 kg), but I did manage to lose the weight between them. But after baby number two nothing happened… I was then at 207 lbs (94 kg). Two years ago I came in contact with LCHF and began my journey. Today I’ve reach my weight goal, -70 lbs (-32 kg) and my weight is 137 lbs (62 kg), but it hasn’t been a cakewalk. I’ve hit several plateaus and even gained some weight when we went on vacations. But overall I’ve eaten delicious food and learned a lot about myself. Today I live healthy with my family, exercise 4–5 times a week and my lifestyle is LCHF. I have no sugar cravings, but I do remember how things from my previous life tasted, but they don’t interest me anymore. I love to inspire and motivate others and dream of becoming a nutritional counselor and a PT. Thank you for an impressive website and blog! I’ve also attended your lectures and you are great! "

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