
Saturday, April 25, 2015

World gone mad. "School bus driver bans little girl from reading."

via Boing Boing: "The school bus driver in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec told 8 year old Sarah Auger she wasn't allowed to read on the way to and from school because she might poke herself in the eye with a corner of the book. He also speculated that other children might be tempted to rise from their seats to look at her book...

The Hautes-Rivière school board conceded that books are "obviously" not dangerous, but they backed the driver anyway, because "the person who drives the bus is allowed to make the rules.""


  1. At our son's second grade teacher's conference, many moons past, the teacher said with a straight face
    "Your son needs to stop reading books in my class"
    "What?" We asked.
    "He reads books instead of paying attention to me."

    Yes, that's right, a teacher requested we ask our son to stop reading in school. Cheers!

    1. I used to get busted for reading off-subject books in class too...
