
Sunday, April 26, 2015


4/27 - press, chins, dips, walk, sauna

jennuclataylor Hey Everyone!  This is me....: "This is me. At my heaviest, 146 pounds, to my lightest EVER, 116 pounds. I am 5'5" I recently graduated, but I lost all the weight at college.  This is the first time weight loss has ever really worked for me!  I have always wanted to lose weight. I was called “that ugly girl” in front of everyone in the gym in high school.  I let that haunt me so SO long. But you know what, as I grow, my differences make me so unique, and so happy.  I am now working on being healthy and happy! Skinny does NOT equal happiness!  tumblr:" 

Fat Head » Letters From Viewers: "My personal experience with the lipid hypothesis is even more compelling. I have always been “thick”. At 5’8″ tall, my “normal” weight was always around 150 or so. After med school and being pregnant with our son, I ballooned up 215 lbs and acquired gestational diabetes. Six months after having our son, I went down to 200, and a size 14/16. I was miserable and felt ugly, and my blood work looked dismal (triglycerides: 189, A1C: 7.5 — still diabetic).  Even my husband, Steve, gained weight (he went from 225 to 270 lbs). So we did the conventional thing: joined a gym and started working out 3x per week. We also cut back on calories. My limit was 1500 kcals per day. After four months I had barely lost 10 lbs. Steve lost just 3 lbs more than me. I became frustrated and wondered what we were doing wrong. Then I remembered — oh, yeah … I’m a scientist! So I stopped listening to the “experts” and went back to the basics of my graduate studies in metabolic biochemistry. Two weeks later I had a plan of action. I would limit my carb intake to 30g per day, and do moderate exercise (like walking or biking) instead of killing myself at the gym. Long story short, in just 7 months I went from 200 lbs to 128, and from a size 14/16 to a size 2! Similarly, Steve went from 270 lbs to 195, and from a size 44 to a size 36 in the same time frame! My triglycerides are now under 40, and my A1C is at 5.0 (not diabetic anymore!). And in case anyone is wondering, my cholesterol count is also perfect! I have redefined what my “normal” is."

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