
Sunday, March 01, 2015

"We knew it was good technology because it had the language of magic in it." - Warren Ellis

 "I’ve said, again and again, that Steve Jobs’ constant reiteration that the iPad was “magical” was deliberate and done with specific intent. And we listened. We knew it was good technology because it had the language of magic in it. We made it do things by pointing at it. The screen was full of sigils. It was a 21st Century spellbook, and, brilliantly, we didn’t have to charge it up by murdering a chicken or wanking on it. And when people now say, well, Apple aren’t innovating as much as they used to, what we mean is that they’re not making magical artifacts any more. Their magic carpet has fallen to earth and now they make wristwatches like lumpen mortals. Wristwatches aren’t magic. We already knew that time passed and we’d learned to approximate divisions of time by looking at the sky. We were telling the time five thousand years ago using large stones. Wristwatches just meant we didn’t have to carry a fucking obelisk around with us. Magic’s fickle. And it’s also true that, for every genuine seer and shaman, there was some theatrical guy in black trying to sell shiny magical things to people with money."

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