
Sunday, March 01, 2015

Training - "The Secret is in the Struggle."

3/2 - squats, knee raises, bench pistols, lunges

Alicia Coates - Mobile Uploads: "This is Mike, a male client of mine for 3+years, and has also become a dear friend of mine. We met when I trained in a small family owned studio, when I only dreamt of becoming a competitor. He watched me grow into the competitor and person I am today; little did I know he became viciously motivated by my life as it evolved. He trusted my advice as a female trainer and he trusted my advice as a female competitor... And I thank him for that. Shredded and down 60+ lbs. he walked on stage and won 1st place in Open Light Weight and 2nd in Novice... At his very first very first show. So, I want you to go to bed this evening with this in any stage in your life your journey could be the motivation and inspiration someone needs to find the champion within themselves. So be good to each other and help those who seek your help"

I have it on good authority that she does, in fact, squat.  Bro.

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