
Monday, March 23, 2015

"If you are in a conversation with someone who unexpectedly asks “Why are you attacking me?” … run away. Don’t even explain."

"Getting married because you are in love is sort of like drowning yourself because you like beverages. 

I wish I were dumber so I could be more certain about my opinions. It looks fun.  
 The presence of the word “deserve” is a sure sign a conversation won’t go well. 

 Tip: If you are in a conversation with someone who unexpectedly asks “Why are you attacking me?” … run away. Don’t even explain.  

World’s shortest IQ test: “What percentage of your reality do you understand?” Grading: The higher the percentage the lower the IQ. 

 If you can’t construct a coherent argument for the other side, you probably don’t understand your own opinion. 

 If you think God wants people to suffer in the last month of their illness, that’s a mental problem not a religious point of view."

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