
Monday, March 30, 2015

Clichéd, but true - You are the average of the 5 people you interact with the most. Choose Wisely.

“We all become a product of our environment. Like a fish in water, you don’t know the water around you is affecting you. So, I always tell people the most important lesson in life is “the people you spend time with is who you become.” Throughout my life, I grew up in a really tough environment and what allowed me to get out of it was getting into the minds of some of the smartest humans on earth. I didn’t have access to them so I did it through books. I read 700 books over seven years. All in the area of psychology, sociology and physiology— anything that I thought could make a difference in my life (or the life of someone I cared about). With that kind of obsession, I got access to the real people — the people that were doing it." - Tony Robbins

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