
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pay child support for children that aren't yours, or go to jail.

I blame the patriarchy.  Judge ‘Outraged’ at Innocent Man, Orders Him to Pay $30,000 in Support for Child That Isn’t His - Hit & Run : "Carnell Alexander is not the father of the now-adult child for whom several courts, including the Wayne County Circuit Court this week, have ordered him to pay $30,000 in back child support for. How do we know he's not the father? Because he took a DNA test proving the contrary, and even the mother (an ex-girlfriend) now says he's not. How is it possible in the Land of the Free that men can face huge fines, revocation of professional licenses, forfeiture of the right to international travel, and sometimes (as in Alexander's case until this week) even jail time, from owing child support to kids that aren't theirs?"

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