
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

"Five things that make you perfect. Go."

Whedon Wins.

Next Level Primal: I Killed a Chicken and Ate It | Mark's Daily Apple: "Liz Wolfe sums it up beautifully in her book, Eat The Yolks: Unfortunately, many of us are educated about animals by the entertainment industry. And through that lens, we acquire an image of nature that is wildly and tragically inaccurate. It’s an image with a rosy filter, one that ignores the fact that nature itself is, and always has been engaged in a cycle of life and death. A cycle that seems cruel and violent, rather than innate and natural when we’re raised on Disney instead of Discovery."

"No one is arguing for complete, perfect equality.  We are not going to live in a world where we pretend that all Baldwins are equally talented." 
"The federal estate tax... helps to limit the terrible possibility of a permanent landed gentry...  the idea that a house that can be passed down through the generations until some dipshit blows the fortune on a Canadian railway company... you fucking moron!  How could you do that Lord Grantham?  The family was counting on you!"

Fukuoka 最高!

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