
Thursday, October 13, 2011


Haven't posted up one of these in several weeks, so this'll be lengthy for the sake of completeness...

10/13 - 20m HIIT shadowboxing 10/12 - LBW - goblet squat, sissy squats, RDL, hip thrusts, calf raises, angled calf raises, mason twists, crunches 10/11 - 20m HIIT heavy bag 10/10 - UBW DB bench, dips, laterals, push press, 1A DB row, chins, overheadx, tri pushups, 1A alt DB curls, hammer curls, shrugs, hyperxtensions, stretching 10/9 thru 10/3 was the week of self pitying, indulgent bullshit.  No workouts.  That's over now.  10/2 - rest/free/off 10/1 - LBW - legx, sissy squats, hip thrusts, elevated hip thrusts, calf raises, crunches, leg raises 9/30 - 20m HIIT treadmill 9/28 - bench, fly, seated press, push press, wide grip pulldowns, rv grip pulldowns, floorx, tri pushups, curls, hammer curls 9/27 - 20m HIIT treadmill 9/26 - LBW - squats, legx, RDL, leg curls, calf raises, angled cr, twisting situps, DB mason twists 9/25 - 20m HIIT treadmill 9/24 - rest/free/off 9/23 - UBW - bench, fly, seated DB press, push press, DB row, chins, floorx, tri pushups, curls, hammer curls 9/22 - 20 HIIT treadmill 9/21 - 20m HIIT treadmill 9/20 - LBW - squats, legx, RDL, leg curls, calf raises, angled cr, twisting situps, mason twist 9/19 - rest/free/off 9/18 - UBW - DB fly, strap fly, seated DB laterals, up rows, 1A DB rows, chins/pulls, overheadx, strap tri, 1A DB curls, hammer curls 9/17 - 20m HIIT heavy bag, chins/dips  9/16 - LBW - goblet squat, step back lunges, rdl, glute bridge, seated & standing calf raises, twisting situps, med ball mason twist, med ball drops  9/15 - 20m HIIT heavy bag  9/14 - UBW - db bench, dips, seated db press, push press, 1A db row, chins/pullups, overhead x, tri pushups, curls, hammer curls  9/13 - HIIT heavy bag  9/12 - LBW - goblet squat, sissy squat, sldl, glute bridge, standing & seated calf raises, twisting decline situps, med ball mason twists  9/11 - chins, pushups, dips, rows, rebounder, mobility/stretching

Motivating pics.

38 year old mother of two.  Lawyer.  [Awesome back development, too.]
48 years old.

A doctor.  50 years old.  That's 5-0.

To sum up the last 3 pics:  NO FUCKING EXCUSES.

consistent workouts
consistent clean eating
5-6 small meals a day
eating every 2.5-3 hours
water with every meal
no sugar
no alcohol
no supplements
“You are Braver than you Believe, Smarter than you Seem, and Stronger than you Think.” ~ Winnie the Pooh"

"The mother of all before and after pictures.  A friend of mine posted the photo on the left on his Facebook page. I lost a photo album of mine with all pictures of me from this era. The photo on the left is a little over 15 years old. I am 34 years old, 168 pounds and maybe 11 percent body fat, with a drink in my hand which was de rigor for me back then... The photo on the right is me weeks before my 50th birthday. 200 pounds even and 8 percent body fat...  To add insult to injury, the new me could kick the younger me's living ass. Badly. Moral of the story: Don't you people give me any sh!t about "I'm getting older and miss my youth blah, blah, f-cking blah." I seriously don't want to hear it. Get off your soft, liver-spotted asses and do something. Not tomorrow, today. Class dismissed."

1 comment:

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