
Saturday, October 08, 2011

DHS airport scanners giving TSA employees cancer.

EPIC - EPIC v. DHS Lawsuit -- FOIA'd Documents Raise New Questions About Body Scanner Radiation Risks: "In a FOIA lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security, EPIC has just obtained documents concerning the radiation risks of TSA's airport body scanner program. The documents include agency emails, radiation studies, memoranda of agreement concerning radiation testing programs, and results of some radiation tests. One document set reveals that even after TSA employees identified cancer clusters possibly linked to radiation exposure, the agency failed to issue employees dosimeters - safety devices that could assess the level of radiation exposure. Another document indicates that the DHS mischaracterized the findings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, stating that NIST "affirmed the safety" of full body scanners. The documents obtained by EPIC reveal that NIST disputed that characterization and stated that the Institute did not, in fact, test the devices. Also, a Johns Hopkins University study revealed that radiation zones around body scanners could exceed the "General Public Dose Limit." "
'via Blog this'
While I can't delight in the illness of others, when the TSA mindlessly spends the last decade in lockstep with the civil rights abrogating security theater that emerges from the government, patting down children, invalids, grandparents, ignoring the 4th amendment, doing things like this - Breast cancer survivor forced into invasive patdown by TSA even after submitting to backscatter imaging scan - then I have a greater understanding of why the Germans came up with the term shadenfreude.

Also, 99% sure that coming back to Liberia those TSA douchebags lifted some small ticket items from my bag* while doing one of their cursory inspections ratfucking through my gear. Shouldn't be a surprise... TSA Theft of Passenger Valuables a Nationwide Problem

*Updated 10/10 - Well, apparently the truth of the matter is I'm 99% schmuck and found what I thought was missing tucked inside my PT gear bag.  I'm an idiot, clearly.*

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