
Monday, September 05, 2011


9/5 - DB bench press, dips, DB shoulder press, laterals, 1A DB row, pullups/chins, overhead x, bench dips, curls, hammer curls

9/4 - ocean swim

9/3 - pushups, deep breathing, pulldown, pullapart, bi/tri, twisting situps, hindu squats, calf raises, prisoner squats, band press/row/chest pulls/bi-tri/lateral raises

9/2 - circuit x3 - pullups/dips/pushups/bw rows/tri/bi/press/shrug/hyperx/twisting situps

9/1 - hip thrusts/hindu squats/prisoner squats/romanian dl/lunge/goblet squat/sldl/calf raises/hyperx

8/31 - pushups/dips/chins/situps

New training protocol for the next three months - which fits right in the 12 week groove between now and heading back to the States in December for my sis in law's wedding.  Using the old bodybuilding 101 BFL program.  3x week weights/resistance work on an upper/lower body split, 3x week HIIT.  Added ttweaks - additional flexibility and martial arts training.

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