
Friday, September 09, 2011

NC comic shop boycotts the new Superman. Because of Jesus.

The stupidity, if burns so fucking much sometimes.

The crux of it seems to be that while getting exploded, as Superman is wont to do, he utters "GD" - literally the letters 'g' and 'd' smashed together - which caused our comic shop owner to catch the vapors as he finds one imaginary character taking another imaginary character's name in vain just a step too far.  And to be clear, he could be saying 'god damn,' he could be grunting, or he could [and you can't put it past the mind of Grant Morrison, the dude is deep] be saying 'God' and in a tribute to Superman's Jewish creators keeping to the Jewish tradition of not writing 'god.'

Regardless, we should probably wait to see how Santa and the Easter Bunny weigh in on this vital controversy.  What a maroon, I swear.
North Carolina Comic Shop To Boycott Action Comics Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors: "This week, DC Comics published a new first issue of Action Comics, the series that introduced Superman to the world back in the nineteen thirties.
In doing so, writer Grant Morrison, who had already written the insanely successful All Star Superman comic, took the character back to his original roots. Reinvented as a social crusader, targeting big businesses that exploit their workers, the comic instantly sold out, expected to be the best selling comic in September, and has received critical acclaim from all sides.
Almost all sides.
One comic shop is North Carolina, The Comics Conspiracy, has decided enough is enough. Because of this panel..."
'via Blog this'

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