
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Hategasm/People Fucking Suck - "Mentally disabled man robbed of his epic Superman collection."

Making the rounds on the comic book websites this AM.  The geeks in the area are mobilizing to try and find the thief.  If I believed in hell, there'd be a special circle for this level of hateful douchebaggery.  Hopefully, the powers of the internets brings about some kind of happy ending.
Mentally disabled man robbed of his epic Superman collection – Boing Boing: "...48-year-old Mike Meyer, a mentally disabled man who was robbed "of about 1,800 of his favorite Superman comic books, some dating to the 1950s," and cherished collector’s items including lunch boxes, an old-time radio, a Monopoly game and television set..."
'Meyer said mostly only his friends and family knew of his collection, but he also made the mistake once of telling someone less trustworthy: a guy named Gary...  Meyer said he ran into Gary recently while at Kyle’s Baseball Cards and Comics in Granite City. Gary asked Meyer whether he still collected Superman items and asked to see the collection. Meyer first gave an excuse, but then Gary called him later saying he was in the neighborhood and hoped to stop by...  The next night, Gary was back again, asking whether Meyer would let Gary’s girlfriend watch some of his Superman movies. Meyer said while he and the girlfriend watched, Gary disappeared for a while. Meyer noticed the theft two days later, on the morning of Aug. 24, and called police...'
Describing Superman to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Mike said, “He uses his powers not to benefit himself, but to help others, and “He’s the champion of the oppressed.”
'via Blog this'

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