
Wednesday, August 03, 2011


8/3 - calisthenics, dynamic tension, band work, isometrics
8/2 - G.U.T.S. circuit - pushups/situps/hindu squats/situps/pushups/MILO - Kettlebell swings [2H, alternating, 1H], halos, Turkish get-ups.
8/1 - 21m jog + windsprints x5 - Bas Rutten MMA Workout/Shadowboxing/Boxing 2m rounds x5 - Elastic Steel Grapplers Routine/Beginner

Archevore - Archevore Blog:
"A typical 'paleo' meal, consisting of either a fat or lean steak, a green salad and a sweet potato, is not only healthy but is indeed closer to ancestral diets... Not because of what it contains, but because of what it does not contain...  Processed white flour, a concentrated source of gluten and wheat germ agglutinin, sugar in the form of sucrose or high fructose corn syrup, and especially, industrial vegetable oils heavy in n-6 linoleic acid - such as corn, soy, canola, peanut, etc..."

Faster internet connection means lot of motivation/opportunity/inspiration.  The tumblr Ripped & Fit is pic intensive but awesome. 

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