
Friday, August 12, 2011

This - "...libertarianism is about a default preference for the freedom to peaceably pursue happiness as we define it without interference from government."

I need to pick up this book.  Hopeful, rather than critical, libertarianism.  If only I could clear the other dozen or so books I'm reading out of the queue.

Declaration of Independents – Part 1 | Nobody's Business:
"At it’s root, libertarianism is about a default preference for the freedom to peaceably pursue happiness as we define it without interference from government. It’s the belief that the burden of proof should rest not on the individual who wants to sell lemonade, paint his or her house purple, hop on an airplane, ingest intoxicants, or marry someone from the same sex (though preferably not in that order) but on any government seeking to thwart or control such victimless activities.

Like the magazine we write for, we agitate for the aspirational goal of “free minds and free markets,” celebrating a world of expanding choice — in lifestyles, identities, goods, work arrangements, and more — and exploring the institutions, policies, and attitudes necessary for maximizing their proliferation. We are happy warriors against busybodies, elites, and gatekeepers who insist on dictating how other people should live their lives...

Within the broadest possible parameters, we believe that you should be able to think what you want, live where you want, trade for what you want, eat what you want, smoke what you want, and wed whom you want. You should also be willing to shoulder the responsibilities entailed by your actions...  as basic principles, they go a hell of a long way to creating a world that is tolerant, free, prosperous, vibrant, and interesting."

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