
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Settling in back in Liberia + New Toys.

Back in West Africa just over a week now, after a bunch of time back in the States, trying to figure out what exactly it is I do with my time [the obvious answer, today at least, is "dick around on the internet."] Allaying the need to do things, like, say, 'find meaning in my life,' was the arrival of our secondary/supplementary household goods stuff.  Always nice since you can't get a great deal of stuff here through the post due to size/weight/liquid restrictions.  So got a plethora of things we can't pick up here and some bigger stuff been coveting...

It would be childish, juvenile and puerile to suggest my wife could be summed up by a single photo of some of the goods arrived, but candy & wine is a contender.

A more representative sampling of well coveted food and beverages.  Including my wife's fancy "bottles" of wine.  

To be fair, while not a big wine drinker, I bought the box wine for the Mrs - I'm all about class and sophistication - because the packing is just so damn nifty.  And I've been watching too much Gary Vaynerchuk/WineLibraryTV.

Plus, you get MORE in the box, compared to the bottle.  That's value right there.  Kinda looking forward to sampling them, honestly.

King size, futon style mattress [albeit on a low profile wood frame] results in the best sleep I've had since living in Japan.

A 'thank-you' gift for the Mrs.  It does make a snazzy cuppa joe.

My new best friend.  If going to live in Thailand for a couple years, have work to do.

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