
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ron Paul - Jesus = Gary Johnson [with whom I seem to agree on damn near everything political.]

Gary Johnson Bets Big on New Hampshire - Reason Magazine:
"...Johnson also ran through his policy positions. “I believe fundamentally in the right for a woman to choose an abortion. I happen to believe in evolution.” He said that drug prohibition is the source of “75 percent of the violence” along the U.S.-Mexico border, and that “if we can’t connect the dots between prohibition and violence now, I don’t know that we ever will.” Johnson also dismissed the idea of building a wall (or a fence, or a moat) along the border, and called instead for a simplification of U.S. immigration policy, and for the estimated 12 million undocumented workers currently residing in the United States to receive work visas—”not green cards or citizenship.”

“I believe in global warming and that it’s man-made,” Johnson said. He doesn’t however, believe in regulatory schemes to reduce carbon emissions or greenhouse gases, saying that such policies would harm businesses while doing little to help the environment. Besides, he added cheekily, “in the future, the sun will grow to encompass the Earth. Global warming is in our future.”

Johnson reiterated that our involvement with Libya was a huge mistake, that the U.S. should leave Iraq and Afghanistan immediately, that the question of who will fill the power vacuums in those two countries will have to be answered sooner or later, and that the U.S. might as well answer it now. He also said that there is no reason the U.S. should have 100,000 troops in Europe, and that he would “have to have the case made to me that we need any troops there at all.”

“I would’ve never established the [Department of Homeland Security] or the [Transportation Security Administration],” Johnson said. “I would’ve left security to the airlines, and I dare say traveling today would still be as safe...

As for his first act as president, Johnson said that he would not rest until he’d passed a balanced budget. “We went to the moon, we can balance the federal budget.”

When he’d finished his speech, Johnson, ever the nice guy, opened the floor “for questions, comments, and any insults you may have.”

“Maybe as a result of today,” he said at the end of the Q&A, “you’ll walk out of here saying, ‘He doesn’t stand a chance, but I like what he has to say.’””

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