
Sunday, June 12, 2011


P90X D56 - Core Synergistics

P90X went on hiatus from last Sunday as a family emergency required travel and time. And it looks like it'll be of a longer duration than expected, so need to, starting today, incorporate P90X back into my newly frazzled schedule and routine. One lesson learned last year - for the dozenth time - like most lessons - is that in times of stress, I need to exercise even more than normal, or I'll find myself eating whole pizzas and downing fifths of Jack Daniels. Even this week, while not doing the P90X routine, I tried to get some exercise daily, as it served/serves as a much needed release valve.

But the Food/Cooking Log posts are on hiatus until back to home; no time now. Tracking food by pen/paper, low carb-ish primal/paleo-ish, avoiding junk, one day a week free/splurge.

6/11 - 20m run/jog + sprints, Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Heavy Bag 10x2m rounds
6/10 - 20m run/jog, Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Heavy Bag 10x2m rounds
6/9 - no workout
6/8 - Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Heavy Bag 7x2m rounds - Shadowboxing 3x2m rounds
6/7 - Jumprope, calisthenics, band work
6/6 - 20m run/jog/walk
6/5 - no workout; travel day
6/4 - P90X D55 - Core Synergistics
6/3 - P90X D54 - Kenpo X
6/2 - P90X D53 - Yoga - Tony Horton One on One "Patience Hummingbird" - PBF Fit Test
6/1 - P90X D52 - Yoga - Tony Horton One on One "Patience Hummingbird"
5/31 - P90X D51 - X Stretch - max set dips/chins/hypers
5/30 - P90X D50 - Rest/Free/Off/Food Poisoning

Inspiring - Christina Adler Body Transformation | Muscle & Strength:
Age: 36
Weight: 155 lbs Weight: 127 lbs
Bodyfat %: 32% Bodyfat %: 17%

And this made me laugh.

I LOL'd.

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