
Sunday, June 12, 2011

This - "When you assume an ever-greater share of responsibility for the world's affairs, other countries will become increasingly irresponsible..."

SecDef Gates: Old Europe's Lack of Participation in America's Global Policework Is "Unacceptable" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine:
"It never ceases to amaze that America's ruling class cannot wrap their heads around one obvious fact: When you assume an ever-greater share of responsibility for the world's affairs, other countries will become increasingly irresponsible (or non-responsible, if you prefer). You want to make allies a bit more concerned with their own defense, let alone with foreign military adventures? Remove your troops and bases from their soil, and let them know that you are no longer in the business of being a first-responder in the guarantee of their security. Meanwhile, it might be worth beginning to consider whether intervening in far-flung civil wars really qualifies as 'defense.'"

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