
Monday, March 28, 2011


P90X - Day 8 - Chest, Back, Abs
3/27 - P90X - Day 7 - X Stretch
3/26 - P90X - Day 6 - Kenpo X

As evidenced by the above, and if you were paying attention last week - and I know you were - I'm taking another run at P90X.  Tried it twice before.  First time in late '08/early '09 and again in the fall of '09.  Didn't finish either time, despite having some decent results.  Both times I burned out/got injured/became a quitting quitter who quit things - at about the 2 month mark.  What seemed like good reasons at the time now seem more like excuses in hindsight.  Though maybe I'm being overly harsh on myself.  But probably not.

Coming back from Japan just over a week ago filled with diseases, colds and snot probably picked up from my adorable former students, last Monday I still was determined to start back at PT after my two week food and alcohol gorge-fest.  And some random thought noticed that a 90 day program would fit right in between coming back from Japan and heading back stateside this summer, with a little to spare.  Plus, that I never finished always stuck in the back of my mind, and not in a good way.  So without any prep, forethought or planning - including not doing the pre-"Fit Test" - I jumped right back into it last Monday.

As they say, adaptation is specific, and despite working out consistently for the last 2/2.5 months, the P90X wkouts are still as brutal as I remember and kicked my ass all over the place.  I'd like to think that it was due to the cold I was fighting, but probably not.  Pause and Fast Forward were used liberally last week.  Today, while feeling much better, was still a struggle.  You know, for a late night infomercial program, P90X is no joke.

As the other times I did it, going to stick with my own nutrition regimen, a low-ish carb, mostly Primal/Paleo, cyclic ketogenic deal, which I'll cover in more detail in the next "Week in Food" post.

"Keep pushing play...  Do your best and forget the rest..." - Tony Horton.


Awesome and inspirational.  From the Facebook Album - "INSPIRATION - By Fitness Model/Writer Jamie Eason"

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