
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"...all the panic talk about those nuclear reactors, can I ask everybody a favor? Just PIPE DOWN WITH THAT SHIT FOR A MINUTE. OK?"

Flying out of Japan in a few hours, as scheduled - not in a nuclear power earthquake typhoon induced panic - after 10 awesomely exhausting days and availing myself of the last of the high speed Internets before returning to Liberia...

Came across this... SO MUCH this... to everybody fear mongering and panic stroking in the media and on the 'net. Honestly, WTF is wrong with you people?

HARDCORE ZEN: Saskatoon, Karma and Charlie Sheen:
"As for all the panic talk about those nuclear reactors, can I ask everybody a favor? Just PIPE DOWN WITH THAT SHIT FOR A MINUTE. OK? Because the uninformed panicky garbage you spew out over the Internets travels to people who are really, personally affected by it.

I don't care if you think the politicians over there are lying. EVERYBODY thinks the politicians over there are lying. That is not an original thought or in any way unique. No one in Japan believes anything they hear from the government. They don't need your dire predictions of disaster based on what you learned by watching the movie The China Syndrome on VHS back in 1986. There is plenty of that out there already. Trust me. Plenty. So shut up."

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