
Friday, February 18, 2011


Simplefit L3W3 - 16 chins/33 pushups/33 prisoner squats for time - 4:24  - Level up.  Or down to level 1 again in my case, substituting pullups for chinups next week.  Did the same thing after 'leveling up' from bw rows to chins after completing level 3 with rows a few weeks ago...  plan to stick with SF w/pullups till mid-April or till I complete all 8 levels, whichever comes first.  Probably April, I'd imagine.
WC 49 - 49 lunges/33 chins/16 pushups
Neck nods/rotations

*MMPM [minor mental progress marker]* - hit double digits in dead hang chinups on my first set today - 11.  Well, 10 really, as the last had a little English on it.  Not especially impressive, but much better than the pathetic 4 I maxed out at the beginning of January.  Next mental benchmark floating around the back of my head is 20 dead hang chins, which was what I could get back in my jarhead days.  Or at least the max # for score you could get on the PFT back then.

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