
Thursday, February 10, 2011


Rutten MMA wkout, boxing, 10x2m rounds
WC 41 - chins, pushups, lunges

Coming out of whatever bug I had this week.  Instead of feeling like I was going to pass out during PT, like the other day, today I only felt nauseous.  Yay, me.  Also, because I decided to fuck with a callous on my hand it looks like I got it a little infected when I tore it off.  Now it's swollen and sore right where I need to grab for chinups.  Blah, blah, blah...  Life sucks, get a helmet.

Yesterday 2/9
Simplefit L3W2 5 rounds for time - 3 chins/10 pushups/10 prisoner squats - 247s [level up]
+WC 40 lunges & [additional] 25 chins

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