
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Power Corrupts - "Injustice Everywhere" on Police Corruption.

Ten minutes reading Injustice Everywhere makes me want to punch the face of humanity and drink heavily.

About « Injustice Everywhere:
"Did you know that the last time the US government bothered to gather any information about the problem of police misconduct in the United States was in 2002?

Even then, the study they did only covered 5% of the police departments in the US and, on top of that, participation was only voluntary and relied on what police departments were willing to report about misconduct within their own ranks.

One of the biggest obstacles in the way towards solving the problem of police brutality and misconduct is a fundamental lack of information about police misconduct.

The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP), established in April of 2009, is a non-partisan, non-governmental project devoted to help resolve that problem. The NPMSRP gathers data on police misconduct through reports of misconduct made available through the media and generates statistical and trending information based on those reports."

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