
Thursday, February 24, 2011

The main thing that convinces me JFK's assassination was a conspiracy.

I've read and watched JFK assassination and conspiracy stuff for years, back to high school at least. And there's a lot of wonky stuff in there where the official narrative makes no sense, imho. Adding to the fact that the older I get the more I'm certain that the "official" narrative in almost any situation is not to be trusted [through the mix of both conspiracy & incompetence.]

But the thing that convinced me a few years ago that they were definitely lying about something was visiting Dallas for a friend's wedding and going to the Texas Book Depository/Sniper's Nest/Museum itself.  I distinctly recall looking at the layout and the view and thinking "Oh, this is bullshit."

And here's why.  The sniper's nest is on the upper left side of the Texas Schoolbook Depository, facing down Houston St.  Kennedy is shot after the turn onto Elm St is made and proceeding away from the Depository.  Even with my minimal firearms training at the Academy and in the Marines, the story doesn't add up. No, the supposed shot that Oswald made isn't an impossible one [though I can't speak to the "X number of shots in Y number of seconds" theories] but here's what makes absolutely no sense at all - and you can see it on the map above.

From a shooter's perspective, to wait until he's driven past you, moving away... when you've got a perfect headshot/killshot as the car makes the slow right turn onto and proceeds down Houston St makes no sense whatsover. Waiting till he's gone past you only makes sense if you're coordinating fire with other shooters and moving the target into a killzone - the 'triangulation of fire' theory you hear about from folks who posit another shooter on the Grassy Knoll or elsewhere.

Maybe it was Oswald acting alone, maybe it was Oswald with others, maybe it wasn't even Oswald at all... but more than one shooter makes more so much more sense.  And one shooter, acting alone, who has any kind of military training or experience or tactical awareness - choosing the shot they claim he did - doesn't seem plausible at all to me.  So, more than one shooter, then.  And that equals a conspiracy.  The nature of, or the conspirators involved, no one will ever know with any degree of certainty I don't think - and there is a wealth of theories - but that's my two cents.

In the immortal words of Bill Hicks -
"I was just down in Dallas, Texas... and you can actually go to the 6th floor of the Schoolbook Depository...  they have the window set up to look exactly like it did on that day, and it's really accurate.  Cause Oswald's not in it...  It's glassed in, it's got the boxes sitting there and you can't actually get to the window itself.  And the reason they did that, of course, is they didn't wan't thousands of American tourists getting there each year going - 'No fucking way...  Shit, they're lying to us!'"


  1. I am in Dallas right now and my hotel is about 2 blocks away. I never thought much about it and the more I see the scene, I can't figure out the angles. They put marks in the road where he was shot both times, and the angle of the second shot doesn't work out from the grassy is almost 90 degrees which is in no one's theories.

    I like your thoughts though and perhaps the grassy knoll was the first strike to the neck and the second strike was from the building?

  2. It's been... let's see, 6 years since I've been there... and like most tourists I looked at the Knoll and the Depository and the marks in the road... so working off memory here, but if by 90 degrees you mean perpendicular to the Knoll, I don't see how that's a prohibitive shot. The general assumption I've always read has been the grassy knoll shot was the final "back and to the left" head shot...
