
Monday, January 31, 2011

The week in food.

Fairly standard week, except for Friday & Saturday.  Drinks remain water & coffee [now with coconut milk - ran out of cream and remembered that's how I flavored my coffee in Japan for a while... good stuff.]  Got those Atkins bars for free too, which was nice.  Just filled out a couple forms online...  good for kicking the sweet tooth if you get cravings.  Liked the caramel, chocolate, nougat one... the other two were "eh" imho.  
Couple dining out events on Fri/Sat... still getting the hang of how to work those and stay on nutrition plan.  Did better on Fri than Sat.  Consumed/not pictured - [Fri] a beer, a glass of white wine, avocado/shrimp appetizer, seafood salad & [Sat] a dark rum on the rocks, a steak, a rib w/sauce, 2 pc fried chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, cole slaw, corn muffin.  The Sat night meal was a bit much, but I rationalize that away with the 're-feed'/replenish glycogen stores theory you see in cyclical ketogenic nutrition protocols.  Which is part cop-out, but such is life.

As for the Mrs, not a great deal of creativity this week, plus w/the dining out and she did her own Japanese natsukashii cooking for the weekend...  less work on my part.  Sandwiches, salads, leftovers, some boxed Indian fare that's been sitting in our cabinet for 6 months now, and some pre-packaged comfort foods - chicken patties & fries - plus a batch of rice krispy treats as I enable her on stressful days. 

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