
Monday, January 10, 2011

The week in food.

Part food log, part recording the expansion of the culinary arsenal.
Above is the food intake for the week, minus some lunchmeat and cheese I snacked on without thinking or remembering to snap a shot.  Using the photos before eating as a way to increase awareness/accountability of what I'm shoving down my piehole.  Did pretty well sticking to what appears to be my slowly evolving nutrition plan - low carb paleo/primal + intermittent fasting.  Only one meal really went completely out of the box, some takeout from a Chinese place that didn't realize had breading on it.  But scraped off what I could and had it only after PT, so hopefully that minimized the effects of carbs.  Only had water, tea & coffee [the latter two with cream] this week, so I appear to have kicked the soda addiction.  Cutting back/out on the coffee, tea & caffeine is next in line, though a work in progress.  And did have one glass of red wine this week as well, at a social function that didn't have any bottled water.  Probably kicked me out of any ketosis, but in terms of 'least harm/sensible vice' red wine [or straight liquor] is probably the more favorable option.

Below are a bunch of meals I threw together for the significant other...  in the cause of endeavoring to make myself useful.   
The Mrs made the pancakes, I did the strawberry relish and sides.

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