
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year from Liberia.

I decided if I'm to be denied the joys of conveyor belt sushi, and additionally unable to view the magnificence of K-1 Dynamite!! live on Japanese TV, the least I/we can do is start a brand new tradition of sushi on New Year's Eve.  Thusly...

 Nice view, yeah?
 Very tasty sliced cucumber with kimchi appetizer.  Awesome.
 Crab cocktail... with crab, mayo, orange slices and ebiko.  Good stuff.
Wooden boat of Sushi & Sashimi [bonus points for presentation - almost Japanese, it is.]  Glorious.  The definition of "hitting the spot."
 Afterwards, a quiet eve at home, prepping the champagne sparkling white wine for midnight.
 At the stroke of midnight...
 Finally, Liberian lizard wishes you all a Happy New Year and great things in 2011.
[These guys are everywhere.]

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