
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Greg Rucka - @ruckawriter - gives sharp interview; teases Alpha.

Good interview on his writing process and provides the tease for his next book, ALPHA.

Greg Rucka on The Last Run « Talking with Tim:
"O’Shea: What kind of research have you been doing for your new book (part of your new three-book deal with Mulholland), Alpha?

Rucka: Hrm…this is a harder one to answer, because I’m not sure how much I want to give away. I’ve been doing a lot of research into Special Forces training, and into the people who receive that kind of training – what they can truly do, what they’re trained to do, what that life is like. It’s not an easy world to penetrate, for good reason, and a lot of what is available in the public domain is, I think, misinformation.

I’ve also been researching theme park design and animal training and handling.

Make of that what you will."

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