
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Young adult with autism, author & cartoonist, publishes his first book.

This is kind of a cool & touching story. Website here -

About the author -
"Hi, my name is Dustin Nunn and I am 20 years old... and I love drawing cartoons. Ever since I was 4 years old, I started drawing cartoons. I have been drawing for over 16 years, and yet I still draw. I am the creator of the comic strip series, “Dustin & Darling”   ...When I was born, not only was I born with a talented gift of drawing, I was born with autism and I am a slow learner at things. I like playing video games, surf around on YouTube, and spend time with family and friends. I don’t play video games as much because I like to stick with my artwork."
News report on his story.

You can pick up the book here
or via Amazon.

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