
Monday, December 13, 2010


"Hello, square one, so we meet again.  How thoroughly depressing to once again make your acquaintance."

Circuit x5 - Dips, Neutral Grip Chins, DB DL
Finisher 1x Hyperx max


  1. i hear you. when i got back to the states after all my summer travel this year, i realized i had gained 20 lbs since returning from thailand in 2009. essentially, i gained all the weight that i had lost and then some. ARGH! i'm at week 15 of exercising and eating better and have 4 more pounds to go before i reach the 20lb mark. if i don't get derailed by baked goods and the xmas holidays, i'll hopefully be able to reach my goal by new years.

  2. Kudos & continued success to you. Both awesome & inspiring. Yep, you can probably tell from various pics online I've ballooned back up to where I was a few years ago, totally negating all the work I did. Apparently, I dealt with change/stress this year by stuffing my gob and being lazy. Boo. Hiss. Grr. Argh.

